"In Neon Tigers, he merges the seven Asian cities of Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Jakarta, Singapore, and Shenzhen into a virtual megatropolis. His photos present an image of a world that no longer seems real but appears instead as a series of dream-images of an eccentric film architect or computer-game producer. Their references to reality evoke a sense of conflict in the viewer, as appreciation for the beauty of the absurd competes with recognition of an irreversible process of change in urban living space.
They expose two different growth models: unscrupulous, uncontrolled expansion, as in Bangkok, and totally controlled, yet equally unscrupulous growth in a city like Shanghai. Bialobrzeski's photographs are full of conflicting signs and symbols that are often indecipherable for Westerners-a kind of semiotic overkill that is held in check only by the picture frame."