"During the 1970s a group photographic magazine "Chihei" (Horizon) was published. It centred around Kenichi Kuronuma and Shunji Dodo who were teaching at the Fukuoka Photographic College, it was first published in 1972.
It is now 20 years since the "Chihei" period. We are far from the political and cultural "Season of Revolution" as witnessed in the work of Takuma Nakahira, Yutaka Takanashi and Daido Moriyama in the magazine "Provoke" (1968-69). Present day photography seems to be flourishing but in fact is hiding a certain shallowness. It is within this environment that Shunichi Dodo, Takashi nakagawa, who were both involved in "Chihei", and staff at Osaka Photograph College and other related photographers have got together to produce this photographic book "Horizon"."
This book includes the work by nine photographers: Jun Abe, Shuichi Aki, Shunji Dodo, Masahito Endo, Takafumi Kawagoe, Takashi Nakagawa, Itsuro Naraki, Hiro Sato and Masahiko Yamashita.